Freshwater lobsters are not an addition that is suitable for the casual aquarists. Besides their semi-aggressive behaviors, the smallest of them requires a tank of at least 20 gallons, while the larger species should not be kept in anything less than 50 gallons. You should be careful when adding them to the tank. Be sure that if you want to keep more than one lobster in an aquarium that you make sure that they each have the minimum amount of space, i.e., two large lobsters should be kept in a tank of at least 100 gallons. While they do not normally bother aquarium fish, they will eat any fish that are small enough and slow enough to be caught. Most lobsters are fairly easy to breed, however fry should be separated so they do not eat one another.
Sub-Species for Aquariums:
Black Scorpion – The Black Scorpion Lobster is one of the larger species, however despite its name and size it is relatively peaceful, perhaps because of its undersized claws.
Blue Knight – Also of a larger variety, the Blue Knight may come to your tank with a brilliant blue set of armor or a dingier brownish-blue, but regardless of color it will help to draw the eye.
Hammers Cobalt Blue – A stunningly deep blue, the Hammers Cobalt Blue Lobster only improves with age. Though it may lose its color as it adapts to its new home, it will quickly regain its brilliant color and that color will only deepen as it grows older.
Red – The Red Lobster is one of the smaller varieties, growing only five inches in length. It is very aggressive towards its own kinds, but does well in ponds and large aquariums. If kept in a pond it will hibernate through the colder winter months.
Sunburst Fire – Hailing from Australia, the Sunburst Fire Lobster is a larger species that is tan to green in color with bright, fiery orange forearms.
White Ghost – Another large lobster hailing from Australia, the White Ghost Lobster is a brilliant and solid white. It is generally peaceful towards others and non-aggressive towards fish, but space considerations should still be maintained.
All lobsters require a sandy substrate of medium to fine grain because they like to burrow beneath it. They do tend to be aggressive and territorial with others of their species, so it is important to make sure you provide them with the minimum necessary space, if not more, when housing more than one in a single tank. They also do best when provided lots of rocks and plants to hide in.
All lobsters are quite happy to feast upon debris at the bottom of the tank as well as any algae. However, they have a hefty appetite and must have their diet supplemented with a high quality pellet or flake food.
Size: Up to 12 Inches
Freshwater/ Saltwater: Freshwater
Diet: Omnivore
Reef Compatibility: NA
Tank Mate Compatibility: 5