Though it is not at all suitable for a reef system, the Parrotfish makes a stunning addition to the aquarium. These staunch herbivores are distinguished by the beak-like mouths which they use to break off sections of coral reef and eat in order to enjoy the algae growing on coral tips. They spend their waking moments grazing along the edges of coral. Though they are herbivores, they should not be kept with other fish and because of both their large size and general inhospitability, they are not recommended for any owners other than advanced aquarists. Despite this, they make an amusing addition to the aquarium and even “sleep” at night wrapped in a cocoon of mucus that works as an intruder alert system.
Sub-Species for Aquariums:
Bicolored – The juvenile Bicolor Parrotfish is somewhat plain; the body is white while the head is golden. The adult Bicolor Parrotfish, however, is a stunning fish to have in the aquarium. It is an eye-dazzling combination of neon pink and electric blue.
Blue- spotted – Slightly less exciting to the eyes than the Bicolor Parrotfish, the Blue-spotted Parrotfish is a brown fish covered in blue spots.
The greatest concern when caring for Parrotfish is making sure to provide them with plenty of room. They can grow up to two feet in captivity and do not do well with other fish, making them difficult to keep in a community aquarium. Do not keep Parrotfish in a reef system as they will destroy it in their never-ending search for algae.
Parrotfish require a constant and large supply of algae. Be sure to provide them with large amounts of plant matter and algae discs.
Size: Up to 24 Inches
Freshwater/ Saltwater: Saltwater
Diet: Herbivore
Reef Compatibility: 0
Tank Mate Compatibility: 1
Lifespan: Up to 10 Years