
Rabbitfish, so named because of their shy nature and small, rabbit like mouths, make an interesting addition to the tank. Owners should be careful when raising Rabbitfish as their spines are poisonous and their shy nature can cause them to become tense during tank cleanings, causing them to potentially attack cleaning hands. Primarily herbivores, they enjoy spending their time in pairs and small schools hunting among the coral for algae. They can be aggressive towards others of their kind, but this behavior is decreased when sufficient space is available.

Sub-Species for Aquariums:

One- Spot Foxface – The One-Spot Foxface Rabbitfish displays the spiny fins of the species on a yellow body that contains one large black spot. Its face, however, is a mixture of black and white lines that move in a curving slant.

Barhead – The Barhead Rabbitfish is similar in appearance to the One-Spot Foxface. It has yellow in the body and black and white markings on the face. However, the body of this fish is silver, with the yellow coloring limited to the back, dorsal fin and tail. Unlike the Foxface, the head is more rounded and the black and white stripes softer.

Goldlined – A stunning aquarium fish, the Goldlined Rabbitfish has a body that at first glance is teal in color, but upon closer inspection you will see that its body is a labyrinth of teal blue and yellow with yellow dorsal fins and tail.


Though Rabbitfish are quite hardy, they do require high quality water conditions. Water temperatures should be kept around 78˚F with pH around 8.3. Good filtration is necessary as high levels of ammonia and nitrates can quickly make them ill.


Rabbitfish are grazing herbivores and require constant and large amounts of algae and vegetation to feed off. Be sure that there is enough available in the tank for them to graze on without having to wait for regular feeding times.

Size: Up to 16 Inches
Freshwater/ Saltwater: Saltwater
Diet: Herbivore
Reef Compatibility: 5
Tank Mate Compatibility: 6
Lifespan: Up to 10 Years

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