These anemones are a challenge even for the advanced aquarist. If you’re looking for something that brings big color, big movement, and big challenges to your aquarium, consider one of these varieties of anemones.
Sub-Species for Aquariums:
Ritteri Anemone – Also known as the Magnificent or Heteractis Magnificent Anemone, the Ritteri Anemone is quite a large addition to the aquarium and should not be attempted by anyone who is not an expert marine aquarist. It is quite aggressive and requires the presence of a clownfish to help it acclimate. In addition, it requires a tank with an ebb and flow current and very strong lighting. If it does not feel it is receiving enough light it will move until it is satisfied, which can be dangerous for your reef as its sting can destroy corals.
Sebae/ Leather – This anemone comes in three common colors: white, blue tip, and tan. It is difficult to acclimate this species to the aquarium. It requires strong lighting, porous live rock, sandy substrate, and rocky substrate as it is rather indecisive on where it will choose to live. Adding a clownfish will help this species acclimate more quickly.
Haddon’s Carpet – Definitely a larger specimen, Haddon’s Carpet grows to be three feet in diameter and does best in a tank with a muddy or sandy substrate. It is a host for a number of clownfish types and requires a tank with good lighting and water movement. It has a potent sting and can cause damage as it moves around looking for its preferred home. Be careful, this anemone will eat fish that are not clownfish and should be added to a community reef tank with caution.
True Carpet – Similar to the Haddon’s Carpet, the True Carpet Anemone can grow to be up to three feet in diameter and does best in tanks with a sandy or muddy substrate, strong lighting, and strong currents.
Consider providing these anemones with a clownfish or two to take up residence amongst their tumbling tentacles. Even the carpet anemones enjoy the company of a clownfish pair. Anemones should only be added to a well established tank. Keep in mind that they do roam in search of their ideal home and they do sting and can damage coral, fish, and owners.
Anemones are carnivores and require a meat filled diet. Most do best with fish meat, shrimp meat, or other invertebrate meat. If they are not kept well fed you may find them beginning to chomp down on your fish.
Freshwater/ Saltwater: Saltwater
Diet: Carnivore
Reef Compatibility: 5
Tank Mate Compatibility: 3